Welcome to the Dorinski.com website. I'm hoping that this can become a great resource for family communication! For security we are password protecting certain areas of the site. If you would like to get into a password protected area of the site, please e-mail me at stephen@dorinski.com and I will send you the password.


     Have fun using the site. If you have any comments of suggestions, please let me know!



I have decided to add this new news section to inform everyone on the status of the page. (Current news is in bold)

02-11-05.....I have posted a new gallery. There are a few changes, but it is still fully functional. We lost the ability for captioning and self uploading (atleast until I figure out how to get it to work!) Also, the gallery now only supports jpeg's. If you want to add pictures or create/rename a folder containg pictures, please e-mail me and I will do my best to get them up.

12-23-04......Due to a migration to new server hardware, the index of pictures in the gallery was lost. The actual picture files are still there, but the file that tells the gallery what folder they are in is gone. I will try to get the index rebuilt as soon as I have time. Hopefully not much is lost. Also, the form for requesting a new e-mail address is no longer working, the technology used to create and send the form is not compatible with our current software. I will need to find an alternative. In the meantime, please e-mail me any questions or requests.

04-03-02.........The gallery is up and everything is working fine. I am still looking for more content to post so if anyone has any suggestions, please let me know! You can e-mail me at stephen@dorinski.com

01-16-02.........Fortunatly enough I was able to restore the gallery files. I had found them on an unmarked floppy that I was about to re-use!! The Gallery still needs set up, but that shouldn't take too long. I will post a notification when it is up fully again.

01-15-02.........I have recieved a few e-mail regarding the gallery on the site. I know that as of now it is the most popular section on the site, but unfortunatly it is not functioning properly at this time. This is due to 2 things. The Code Red Virus and the Nimda Virus. Both of these viruses attacked the web server that hosts the page for us. Although the servers are up and running now, the code that was used to construct the gallery is gone. Unfortunatly because I used snipets of code from various sources to put the gallery together, it may take a little while to get it going again. I may even end up getting a 3rd party program to do the job for us. Those of you who previously submitted pictures, don't worry...the actual picture files are safe and sound.






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